

Choose one particular approach or intervention that can be used to meet the needs of individuals with ADSs.



Creating a relationship with an autistic individual is very hard, as they cannot relate to the world and communicate, socialise, use their imagination on the how to relate to you.

Therefore, the only useful and effective teaching is to teach them on the how to learn the fundamentals of communication in order TO TRY TO CREATE A RELATIONSHIP.


Play is the essential tool for the development of attachment and bonding, through smiles, touches, reciprocity you can influence the brain function and neurological development.

My approach, teaches the individuals with ASD to relate and communicate with another, through play.

The other adult, need to be aware that the individual with ASD is doing the best that they can.

The only way to connect with them is to build a confidence and understanding of our world through their world and extending on their abilities and interest.

Therefore, my purpose is to develop your creativity in order to reach them.

My approach is based on the learner interest done to relate and communicate, you will teach every milestone that a baby achieved and will start to teach the fundamentals of communication, wich are:

_Use and understanding of eye contact,

_Use of facial expressions,

_Learning to enjoy giving attention to another person,

_Taking turns in exchanges of behaviour,

_Use and understanding of physical contact,

_Use and understanding of gestures,

_Learning to ready body language,

_Learning about personal space,

_Learning to concentrate and attend.

Individuals with autism cannot learn to speak or relate to the world.

This learning usually takes place between birth and 36 months, a time when our child were smearing, biting, hopping and breaking.

They never really played.

Consequently, your aim is to teach them how to play by using their interest, their motivations.

A place where you will become the student and he will become the teacher.

A place, where your love and patience will be your greatest asset and your only tool to reach them.

The objective is to make autism your best friend and not your greatest enemy.

You are not trying to get rid of something, you are creating different connection in the brain through the synapses that will bring your child to understand your world.


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1) Focus on yourself. Are you happy or not? Are you available for him and his nervous system to open to you!

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2) Don’t reat to unwanted behaviour!

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3) Your priority is for your child to look at you. ”Look into my eyes, I love it!”

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4) Use their motivation and stereotypes. This is your door!

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5) Crying is good! Don’t make a big fuss out of it. It’s all about control…!


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6) Your child wants control, give him in a very different way!

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7) Work EVERYDAY on a ONE-TO-ONE in a non-distracting place.

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8) Show that your world is a great place to be happy, to be enthusiastic and dynamic to build bridge with your child!

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9) Language is power. Dream it, believe it, make it happen!

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10) Nutrition is the key! Don’t feed me junk and expect me to progress at a fast pace!

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